Our Educational Quality
At Toronto Baptist Seminary, we remain steadfastly devoted to our principal goals of offering quality theological education for the pastoral ministry and assisting Christians to advance in their biblical understanding and overall spiritual development. The theological education that Toronto Baptist Seminary offers has two main foci: excellence in biblical scholarship and competence in Christian service (Program Learning Outcomes).
Since the first graduation (1929), hundreds of graduates of The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College have entered Christian service. Our alumni serve the Lord throughout the world on 6 continents and in more than 40 countries.
Over the past 7 years (2018-2024), 90% of TBS students completed their program of study within 5 years; 97% of TBS graduates are actively engaged in current ministry as pastors, missionaries, or Christian workers; 8% of graduates (among 119 graduates from 2018 to 2024) went on to pursue additional advanced degrees such as doctoral studies.
Statistics of TBS Graduates (click here)
By the end of each semester, students are provided with a TBS Course Evaluation Form (click here) for them to give feedback on the courses they study (an example). As the Evaluation Forms are collected, the Faculty reviews the teaching of the professors to ensure the curricular objectives are fulfilled according to the requirements of each program. Professors are also given feedback from professors to maintain the direction and the standard of the Seminary.
The TBS board of trustees supervises the operations of the seminary and continually develops strategic plans to increase the seminary’s effectiveness in teaching and student learning. Each year the board meets three times to review the seminary’s academic quality and assess the administrative effectiveness, based on the report from the faculty and the collected inputs from the students. The board will develop institutional plans (click here) according to the mission and long-term direction of the seminary. From the beginning of each new academic year, the subcommittees (i.e., academic, financial, and housing) of the trustees’ board will work with the faculty and staff to implement the working plans to improve the overall effectiveness of the seminary.
TBS Program Learning Outcomes (Click here)

“TBS’s connection to churches was the primary catalyst assisting me in raising funds for the mission field. Various professors of the school connected me to pastors who had sympathetic ears due to TBS’ proven reputation. In one instance, I was to preach at a church where the pastor said, “I do not know you, but I will allow you to preach because you are a TBS grad, and I am confident that you have received a sound theology.” My lectures and style of delivery have been inspired by the remarkable teaching of TBS, and TBS continues to assist me, for I rely on advice from TBS professors who are eager to help me navigate through new challenges that I encounter.” —- Mr. Carlos Paul (BTS, 2013), Lead Pastor of Bayfair Baptist Church.
“Trained by highly educated men who love the Lord was a very fruitful experience for me. They gave me knowledge but also gave me a living example of how to apply knowledge to spiritual growth and help others to love and serve the Lord faithfully. Everything that I learned at TBS is being used in the church where I’m now serving as an assistant pastor. TBS really gives a theological training that transforms.” —- Pastor Jean-Claude Quloré (MDiv, 2019), Église Évangélique Baptiste de Rivière-Salée, Martinique.
“Just a few blocks from the world-class scholarship of the University of Toronto, TBS has always maintained a commitment to training its students to a high academic standard. In two areas especially, TBS continues to uphold this academic excellence by continuing to require what many schools are dropping: biblical languages and church history. TBS is committed to upholding the need for pastoral students to learn both Greek and Hebrew. Further, the church history courses, including historical theology electives have become a critical piece for ministerial training. Now as much as at any time in history, the perspective of God’s dealings in the past through revival, reformation, decline and division render lessons which modern ministers desperately need to learn.” —- Rev. Clint Humfrey (MDiv, 2002), Senior Pastor of Calvary Grace Church, Calgary (Ph.D. Candidate).
“As TBS Alumni, I am personally proud of this seminary and thank God for its existence. Prior to my training at TBS, I had two previous pieces of training in pedagogy and in theology respectively in Madagascar and France. However, my seminary experience at TBS has sharpened my academic rigour, and my spiritual fervour and helped to stimulate in me the prowess for excellence. The challenge was difficult, exacting and exigent but it was consequential, worthwhile, and relevant to my life’s perspectives and objectives. This training surpassed greatly those that I received in my secular and previous training.” —- Dr. Rabenja Ramiarake (BTh, 1978; Honorary D.D., 2019), Senior Pastor of Fianonana Batista Biblika eto Tamatave, Madagascar.
“Over 40 years, I have observed TBS from a variety of perspectives. As a student, as a lecturer and as a former Board member. I can sincerely say that TBS is a solid Reformed seminary, which in my opinion, exceeds the standards of many seminaries and Bible colleges of today.” —- Dr. Bob Penhearow (MDiv, 1986), President of the Carey International University of Theology.
“The training I received from TBS challenged me intellectually and stimulated my spiritual growth. The emphasis on faithfully proclaiming the intent of the biblical author has set the agenda for my ministry. I especially benefited from the godly example and influence of my professors, who blended academic rigour and practical faithfulness to Christ and his church. I am grateful to the Lord that the training I received has equipped me to minister the gospel in churches over the last 20 years.” —- Dr. Russell Job Umandap (MDiv, 2002), Lead Pastor of Crestwicke Baptist Church, Guelph.