The Gospel Witness is Old and it is Fresh
About the Gospel Witness
The Gospel Witness, founded in 1922 as a ministry of T.T. Shields and Jarvis Street Baptist Church, has now in its second century been relaunched as a publication of Toronto Baptist Seminary. Its purpose is to offer ‘scholarship for the Church’ that is trustworthy and edifying. The Gospel Witness is old and yet fresh.
Editorial Board
Dr. Glendon Thompson (Editor)
Dr. Chris Crocker (General Editor)
Rev. Daniel Morden (Managing Editor)
Prin. Kirk Wellum (Editor at Large)

Start reading trustworthy scholarship for the Church today.
$20/four annual print issues (digital samples available below).
As a Canadian Reformed Baptist publication, if you are interested in publishing a scholarly article then please contact the Editor for:
a) more details, or
b) to submit a brief biography, topic and abstract.
Successful applicants will have their article published in an appropriate themed issue. There is a small honorarium provided for contributors.
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History—Over a Century of Witness
The Gospel Witness was established in 1922 to disseminate the sermons of T.T. Shields and promote the ministry of Jarvis Street Baptist Church. As Shields’ was the ‘Canadian Spurgeon’ it was modelled on the Sword and Trowel. This increasingly became the case surrounding the modernist schism of 1927. From 1927 it was also an organ to connect various fundamentalist Baptists. From 1942 to 1961 it was renamed the Gospel Witness and Protestant Advocate and addressed wider issues of the day. After Shields’ death in 1955 it published sermons and kept the community of Jarvis St. connected. Since Dr. Thompson became pastor of Jarvis St. it began to publish robust articles on a variety of subjects. After a Covid hiatus The Gospel Witness was relaunched in 2023 as a publication of Toronto Baptist Seminary publishing scholarship for the Church.
Archives: Historic copies (1922–1957) of The Gospel Witness can be found HERE free of charge.

Sample Articles