Our Mission
We believe God’s inerrant and infallible Word, the Bible, is the rule for all of life and faith, and the principal means by which the Holy Spirit transforms lives so that the Lord Jesus Christ might be glorified and adored.
We aim to train and mentor pastors and Christian workers who have a passionate love for the triune God and a solidly Reformed understanding of His Word.
- A passionate conviction that living for the glory of God as it has been revealed in the person of Jesus Christ is our main business in life.
- A Bible-centred education that seeks to cultivate an excellence in understanding the Scriptures and expounding them.
- A joyful affirmation of the Calvinistic Baptist tradition as it has been expounded by such figures as John Bunyan, Andrew Fuller, Isaac Backus, J.P. Boyce, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and such Canadian Baptists as R.A. Fyfe and D.A. MacGregor.
- An immersion in the classical disciplines of theological education.
- Hands-on mentoring and training through close links with local churches.

Mission Statement
The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College is an English-speaking theological institution which exists for the preparing, equipping, and training of people for Christian gospel ministries, with emphasis on pastoral training, in the Calvinistic Baptist tradition, and to provide such people with relevant and meaningful teaching in order to minister effectively and competently in this present secular age.
Since 1927 hundreds of graduates of The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College have entered Christian service. Our alumni serve the Lord across Canada with churches of the Sovereign Grace Fellowship, the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada, various Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Ethiopian and Hispanic churches in Canada, other Baptist churches across Canada and the USA, and throughout the world in more than thirty countries.