An Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) 30 credits which include six Ontario Academic Courses (formerly Grade XIII) or equivalent, to qualify for a B.T.S., or B.Th. degree.
A candidate at least twenty-one years of age, who, though lacking an Ontario Secondary School Diploma, or equivalent, specified above, can give evidence of the likelihood of success in Seminary studies, may be admitted to a degree course on probation, provided that he/she has:
a) a Certificate of Education (minimum of 24 credits (formerly Grade XII), or the equivalent,
b) successfully completed one Correspondence Course, or equivalent, designated by the faculty.

If the subjects of the initial year are completed successfully, the student may continue in the B.Th. or B.T.S. degree.
A candidate at least twenty-one years of age, who, though lacking the academic qualifications for a degree course, successfully completes a university course approved by the faculty, may ask that it be considered the equivalent of a Certificate of Education, specified above (Point 2a).
If the request is granted, the candidate may be admitted to a degree course on probation.
If the subjects of the initial year are completed successfully, the student may continue in the B.Th. or B.T.S. degree.
Candidates lacking such academic qualifications may still apply for diploma courses.
Graduate Admission Requirements
Graduation from a recognized college with a B.A. or B.Sc. degree is required to qualify for admission to a M.Div. or M.T.S. degree or a Certificate of Theological Studies. Students whose degree has included biblical studies must have at least 30 credit hours in the humanities and/or science. Those deficient in such credits can make them up with courses from the Seminary and/or from another recognized institution such as the University of Toronto or University of Waterloo, while studying for the Graduate Degree.