Interested in Applying?
Start by praying about what the Lord is leading you to do. Talk to your pastor & church leaders about your gifting. Call our office and talk to our registrar to find out more about TBS. Check the admission requirements in the TBS Prospectus.
Fill out the application form carefully and completely. This will give an accurate picture of your goals, education, values, and readiness for this next step in your life. In your application, include your references from pastors and church leaders. We will contact them for references about your life and involvement in your church. Request your previous institution to send official transcripts to the registrar’s office by mail or email. In addition, seek counsel from other believers you respect and who know you well. Most importantly, spend time alone with God and seek Him in His word so you can determine His perfect will for your life.
Prospective students whose native language is not English must give evidence of working competency in English through a standard English test such as TOEFL or IELTS.

Ensure that your references complete the appropriate PDF forms and send them directly to the registrar.
Send in the Application
Mail or e-mail the application to us. Make sure to include the application fee of $35 ($100 for international students), along with the other documents that are required. You may also arrange an appointment for an interview with the registrar and bring your application with you. The application process will take several weeks as we gather references and evaluate your application. If you are accepted, we will notify you with a formal letter of acceptance and send you a welcome package.
Should you have more questions before you start your application, please contact the registrar’s office.