Degrees and diplomas are granted to those in substantive agreement with the Doctrinal Statement of the Seminary, who have successfully completed the designated course of study and who are deemed worthy by the Senate and Trustees in the matter of Christian character, attitude, testimony, practical service and achievement.
Students must complete the credits required for their programs with an overall average of at least 60%.
- Lectures – Students are required to attend all lectures in their course of study. Failure to attend a class without adequate explanation may result in a reduction of class marks.
- Special Lectures – Full-time students are required to attend any special lectures, and the Toronto Baptist Conference on the years in which it is held.
- Convocation and Graduation – All students registered at the Seminary (except for correspondence or extension students) MUST attend both the Fall Convocation and the Spring Graduation. Absence from these occasions will be allowed only with written permission from the Principal for legitimate reasons.
The academic program is emphasized because we desire to produce graduates who are thoroughly grounded in the Scriptures and who have well-trained minds to discern truth from error. While academics contribute heavily to formal preparation and training for ministry and service, an indispensable part of the training cannot be learned in the classroom and in fact, must be undertaken by the local church. Our program relies on local church leaders to recognize their vital and necessary role in equipping men and women for ministry.
In addition, then, to the academic load there are certain requirements in practical ministry. Each student is expected to become a committed participant of a local church and to be involved in its meetings and ministries. Concerning this field work training, the Seminary sees its role as providing an administrative mechanism intended to assist and facilitate local church leaders in developing and discipline young servants of the Lord and in evaluating the progress of the development of their gifts. It is a means whereby the Seminary looks to the local church for its input into the process of training.
Opportunities are provided for experience in a variety of Christian service under the guidance and supervision of the Field Work Supervisor such as: representing the Seminary in various churches on weekend teams during the school year; house to house and hospital visitation and Sunday Bible School work; conducting prayer meetings, hospital services, home Bible studies; preaching in churches, organized evangelism, rescue missions and penal institutions. It is common for men to be engaged as student pastors of churches within easy reach of Toronto.
A valuable part of the Seminary training is that provided by the student’s close association with Jarvis Street Baptist Church or with another supporting local church. The experience gained in Sunday School teaching, visitation, evangelism, conducting home Bible studies, etc., is long remembered by the graduates as they assume their own pastorates and other spheres of service. Students coming from local churches are expected to remain faithful to their home congregations.
Students must complete the form and submit it otherwise they cannot graduate.